Sunday, May 9, 2010

14th Off-Campus Library Services Conference 2010

Along with my colleague Jennifer Costaldo (who, I might add, did a great poster presentation) I, too, attended the Off-Campus Library Services Conference in Cleveland at the end of April. I'll try to truncate my usual verbosity to brief points of interest and welcome additional questions or thoughts. ( Ohhh, that audio you hear?? Go down to the bottom of the post and press the 'pause' button on my iPhone...we'll get to that later. ) --- [ UPDATE: (I've removed my electronic iPhone due to it's 'automatic' start function.) Here is a link to the material: LINK: ]

Ok, back to the post-conference brain dump.

The 14th Off-Campus Library Services Conference took place in Cleveland, Ohio from April 27th – 30th , 2010. There were (5) five primary and overarching conceptual foci during the event. 1) Defining variations of the Distance learner; 2) Cloud Computing & movement of institutional repository types of works to 'the cloud'; 3) Service provision in virtual spaces ; 4) Assessment ; 5) Technological sharing platforms and useful integrative software for delivering library services.

My personal interests – 1) Cutting-edge technologies; and 2) Creative integration(s) of technology into service delivery methods – grounded my session selections.

Below, I've provided 'bullet-points' of interesting thoughts, vocabulary, buzz words/phrases, and a few 'light-bulb' moments. (Hopefully there's at least one at every conference you attend.)

* Librarians are being slowly disintermediated (that's right, you heard me...disintermediated. NOTE: This blog space IS somewhat interactive, in that you can post a comment. So, let me know what you think about this --- and anything else that strikes a nerve.)

* Virtual spaces provide access points for the disintermediated librarian

* Immersion via 3D web platforms --- Second Life; Open Cobalt; Open Simulator; Education Grid; Immersive Education Initiative

* Software: Wimba ( much like Adobe Connect - without the massive audio problems )

* Distance students are often unaware of library services. How do we track the elusive students and market our services regularly without becoming a disturbance or distraction.

* Why do distance students like Librarians as a source? --- Quotes from graduate students in the research process: 1) "My librarian is the only one who answers my questions." 2) "Is it me?? Because, I'm not finding anything in my Ebsco searches!"
3) "I can count on you being around more consistently than my professor."

* Real-time interaction is critical to the learning experience and students prefer synchronous as opposed to asynchronous environments

* Virtual office hours tend not to work (hmmm...comments?)

* TERMINOLOGY: Digital Nomads (constantly smartphone connected) Dr. Camila Alire

* BOOK: The Anywhere Library: A Primer for the Mobile Web

* BOOK: The Visible Librarian -- by Judith Seiss

* Craft a message that people can hold onto

* Ensure tutorials and assessment tools can be viewed on mobile devices and make them intuitive. Student comment: "Don't make me figure out what I need to do...please."

* Although some librarian's are still using audio beds underneath PowerPoint presentations, many have graduated to "Jing"-type tools ( watch out for my next blog post on my personal Jing experiences over the past 6 months )

I've also included an overview of the Second Life platform's use in library environments. (that was the pesky audio you heard at the beginning of my post --- "Enter, stage left,... the video in my iPhone below.") UPDATE: (I've removed my electronic iPhone due to it's 'automatic' start function.) Here is a link to the material: LINK:

Again, I welcome any questions or response posts.

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